Unmatched service, every moment of the day!
You can depart from any airport worldwide
Need a private jet from Cape Town, a Boeing from Moscow or a seaplane in Canada? No problem, Global Aviation offers all these options wherever in the world you need a plane or helicopter.
You can depart from over 2,000 airports within Europe and more than 10,000 airports worldwide.
Get your quote now!
Airports in Belgium
- Antwerpen
- Brussel
- Charleroi
- Luik
- Oostende
- Kortrijk
Examples of foreign flights performed
- Rio de Janeiro – Belo Horizonte
- Curacao – St. Maarten
- Madrid – Milaan – Wenen
- Los Angeles – Houston
- Moskou – Amsterdam
- Nürnberg – Budapest
- Jakarta – Singapore
Unmatched service, every moment of the day!
All airlines, worldwide, reachable with one phone number