Unmatched service, every moment of the day!
Broker vs. airline
An (aircraft) broker specializes purely in aircraft rentals. It is independent and always looks at what is best and most advantageous for its client. In doing so, you take advantage of her extensive experience, in the case of Global Aviation more than 25 years. She knows the market and has a clear advisory role. A broker knows most of the aircraft it offers inside and out and will always try to buy as competitively as possible for you, not losing sight of quality.
An airline, on the other hand, only offers its own aircraft, even though they may not always suit your trip, budget, company or specific needs. In addition, perhaps their colleague with the same type of aircraft is considerably cheaper. Global Aviation will find out for you, including our very friendly service.
Unmatched service, every moment of the day!
All airlines, worldwide, reachable with one phone number